Alongside Orphans

Alongside Orphans

Everyone can do something.  

"The goal of your church is not simply to start a peripheral ministry a few are involved in; it’s to establish a foundation culture of caring for orphaned and vulnerable children everyone has a role to play in.  An environment where it’s understood that while we’re not all called to do the same thing, we’re all capable of doing something. That’s the goal.  Everyone. Doing. Something."  

Alongside Orphans is a Trinity ministry that seeks to raise awareness about orphaned and other vulnerable children, reminding the Church of God's call to care for them...those in our own neighborhoods and those on the other side of the world.

We believe that every Christian has a part to play, each person using their individual, God-given gifts to do so, depending on their personal circumstances.  We seek to help the Church, both corporately and individually, to find ways to care well for orphans and vulnerable children. Family preservation efforts, foster and orphan care, anti-trafficking efforts and adoption/adoption support are all embraced, encouraged, and supported. 

Coming alongside...
  • adoptive parents
  • children who have been adopted or are in foster care
  • children who have been trafficked
  • children living in orphanages, group homes, on the streets, etc.
  • an overburdened state-system
  • other organizations that work on behalf of vulnerable children, especially those with a Christian foundation, and that work to preserve families.
  • anyone who desires to help hurting and vulnerable children


Alongside Orphans is a ministry that began in 2012, when four like-minded (and like-hearted) women wanted to bring the needs of vulnerable children before the congregation in new ways.

To get more information about the ministry of Alongside Orphans, contact Tary.
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